VBS is finally over. Yes, we had our county fair and VBS the same week. I'm never doing that again!
But we survived and boy did we have a blast!! The kids really enjoyed all of our crafts and songs and lessons and games. Boy, did we have some great volunteers helping and the other directors and I would surely have been lost without them.
Heather and Chrissy did awesome every night with their skit! This two ladies are awesome!
I made the backdrop and most of the decorations. I had so much fun!! Check out that throne!! Our AWESOME pastor put that together for the kids so......
...every kid got their picture taken sitting on the throne that they'll receive Sunday after the church program.
A real suit of armor!! Thanks Brooke for letting us borrow it!
Any offering the kids brought we collected for the Kazembe Orphanage. We had a table set up to represent how many books we were able to buy for the orphanage. I think this pic was taken the second day and the kids were outstanding!
The kids enjoyed yummy snacks all week!! Thanks Carol and Liz, Sue and Jeanne!
Our great feast hall, otherwise known as our church basement :)
Best of all the kids got CRAZY! And it was a blast! We got them singing and dancing and jumping and really learning that God helps us STAND STRONG!
Amanda and Shannon thanks so much for all the games you played with the kids! I think the water games were especially a hit!
Our Medieval Castle crafts were pretty popular with the kids too!
They made popsicle catapaults which resulted in a mini marshmallow war!
3D Castles....
..and shields! I just love Yahoo's SERIOUS expression!
But the most anticipated event was PIES IN THE FACE! We made a deal with the kids that if they could get 45 kids to come one night of Bible School then Friday they could EACH put a pie in one of the director's or Pastor Jerry's faces. What a blast!!
We were going to let the preschoolers go first but I didn't anticipate that they wouldn't understand what to do...HA! So I had a teenage helper give a demonstration. That's my babysitter up there covering her mouth as she's about to wallop me with a whip cream pie! Oh joy!!
I think Yip and Yap were enjoying it just a little too much!
There's Yip going after his poor mother and Heather sneaking up behind me to add even more stickiness to my hair! Ugg!
Despite the fact we had Bible School the same week as our county fair we still had a fantastic turnout and the kids had a ball! Just one more day to go. Tomorrow we'll have the kids program at church and then we'll tear down all the decorations. So maybe, just maybe next week I'll get to enjoy a little rest...please???