Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers out there. Dad, DR, Grandpa and all the other fabulous men who have made a difference in my life and the lives of my children, Thank You!!

Here are a couple of Father's Day poems that illustrate just how WONDERFUL DADS ARE!

Fathers are Wonderful People by Helen Steiner Rice

Fathers are wonderful people too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises as often as we should...

For, somehow, Fathers seems to be the man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts and nurses all our ills...

And Father struggles daily to live up to "HIS IMAGE",
As protector and provider and "hero or the scrimmage"...

And perhaps that is the reason we sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject to the thing we call emotion,

But if you look inside Dad's heart where no one else can see,
You'll find he's sentimental and as "soft" as he can be...

But he's so busy every day in the grueling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff to his partner and his wife...

But Fathers are just WONDERFUL in a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments and accolade of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires to fortune and success,
Is to make the family proud of him and to bring them happiness...

And like OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on to be ALWAYS ON OUR SIDE.

My Hero by Debbie Hinton Young

As I ponder the love that I saw in his eyes,
A Godly love, given without compromise...
I recall many times that he stood by my side,
And prodded me on with great vigor and pride.
His voice ever confident, firm and yet fair,
Always speaking with patience, tenderness and care.
The power and might of his hands was so sure,
I knew there was nothing wecouldn't endure.

It's true, a few others provided insight,
Yet, he laid the foundation that kept me upright.
He's the grandest of men to have lived on this earth,
Although he's not royal by stature or birth.
He's a man of great dignity, honor and strength.
His merits are noble, and of admirable length.
He's far greater than all other men that I know,
He's my Dad, he's my mentor, my friend and hero.

Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful poems...thank you for posting them!
    xo maureen


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