A plinth is the base or platform upon which a column, pedestal, statue, monument or structure rests. (Wikipedia)

A plinth huh? I had to look up what it even was! But heck, once I knew what a plinth was I still wasn't sure how I was going to take a photo of one. It's not like I'm super close to some grand museum with plinths and statues.
I got to thinking of something that was "monumental" or something "on a pedestal" I could shoot.
Then I walked by this. Yep, laundry is monumental and I'm always throwing baskets up on top.
Now, to shoot it in an interesting way!
1/100 sec., f5.3, ISO 1600
1/250, f4, ISO 1600
Next Week - Clean
Very creative! Now Clean is the topic i would have the hardest time with! ;-) That's what I should be attempting to do right now instead of catching up on blogs, but this is way more fun!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've been so busy the last three weeks I've barely cleaned at all...I don't know how I'll shoot that!
ReplyDeleteClean kids in the bathtub...that's the first thing that came to my mind. Nice job on the plinth. I didn't know what it was either. Now I know! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI might have to buy some bubble bath for that, it would make the "photo shoot" a lot more interesting!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing this pics, I just haven't had time to try the project yet.