Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Devotions - Happy Mother's Day!

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.  But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:17-19

There are lots of moments with my kids that I treasure. I still have the first painting my boys ever made. I treasure their unique interests and the moments I get to share those interests with them. I cherish every good night kiss and hug I can get because I know someday they'll think they are 'too old' to kiss me goodnight. The older my kids get the more I am learning to cherish the little things with them; playing Ring Around the Rosie and sitting on the sidewalk watching cars go by or simply talking to them. They are growing up so fast. Try as I might, I'll never be able to remember every moment of their lives.

I treasure their futures too. Someday will have careers, hobbies, families of their own. I don't exactly know what their futures hold but I pray everyday that my kids might become the people God needs them to be and that the experiences they have, good or bad, might be of good service to their lives.

Yip talks all the time. Enough to drive me nuts most days but I know that God has a purpose for his talking so all I can do is wait...and hope that his talking will be fruitful. Jesus' mother Mary treasured her Son too and pondered his future. She knew Jesus was God's own Son but did this young mother truly understand all that role entailed? Did she realize the sacrifice she would give 33 years later of returning her earthly child to His Heavenly Father? I imagine she knew from the very beginning that life for her would never be the same. And she pondered. 

All mothers ponder. I wonder, if we knew how much time we would spend worrying and thinking on children, if we mothers would change our minds about getting pregnant in the first place! But I'm glad Mary and my own mother decided to stick it out and raise their children through the worry and stress of our futures.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!

Dear God, Thank You for Mothers!! What a wonderful gift of sacrifice they bestow upon their own children. Thank You so for Mommy Mary (as we call her) and the childhood she gave to Jesus. Amen.


  1. It's true, no one ever told me how much time I would spend worrying.

    Great Post, and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Fantastic words and I am thankful for Jesus also! Happy Mother's Day!


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