Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kansas Ice

We had freezing rain all morning Wednesday of this week. The boys came home early from school because the ice had been building up all morning. When they got home this is what we found on the trees. Ice, ice, ice.

What else to do but go out and play...and try not to fall down. It was slick! Poor Yahoo fell down on the ice as soon as she stepped off the porch. Ah! But, it was a chance for me to get out and practice with my camera. It's been a while since the kids and I had a good photo session.


Yip! Hold still!

Man, I can NEVER get a good picture of that boy.
Maybe it's because he never. stops. moving!

Yap and Yahoo, why are you eating ice off pine needles? Maybe the pine needles add a nice flavor.

I was so glad to get this photo of Yahoo because recently whenever she sees me with the camera she either hits me or runs away!

Ice sure helps create some beautiful photos and it's good because ice adds moisture in our very dry farming area out here but Spring?.....seriously....I'm ready anytime you are.

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