My Mom gave me this book When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence
a couple of years ago full of stories about so called 'coincidences' that the author refers to as God Winks. Today I'm sharing one of the uplifting stories this great little book contains.
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Danielle loved smiley faces. She'd stick them up around her room. Send them in greeting cards. Draw them on correspondence - a round face with two eyes and a smile.
"They matched her personality," said her father, Daniel Heard.
A musically gifted 19 yr. old she was about to journey to LA from her home in Michigan to meet with record producers who thought the songs she'd composed might have commercial appeal.
Then tragedy happened. A car out of control. A head on collision. She died.
We simply cannot fathom the pain borne by her grieving parents and two older sisters. Life doesn't prepare us for that kind of heartbreak.
Nine months later, her father was still feeling agonizing loss. Daniel stood alone on the rear deck of their home, looking off into the woods. It was a dark night. Black clouds filled the sky.
"Oh God...this still hurts. Dear God...please give me a sign that Danielle is okay. That she's with you," he wailed. Then bowing his head, his voice cracking with sorrow, he said, "I guess I'm not worthy."
A glimmer of light reflected from the deck. He looked up to see a wondrous sight - a hole had formed in the blackness of the sky, just enough for the full moon to fit perfectly into it. He stared, recognizing the craters near the top that looked like the eyes of the man in the moon. Then in slow motion, across the bottom of the moon, a narrow dark cloud drifted...and stopped...and turned up its corners.
In a direct, personal communication, Daniel was receiving a godwink.
For a full fifteen or twenty seconds, the full moon was a perfect smiley face, just like those Danielle had always collected.
"I now counsel other parents who are dealing with grief," said Daniel. "I tell them they should expect that their hurt, anger, and sorrow will come in waves. Some days they will be fine. Other days, months later, they'll break down in tears. And occasionally, they'll get a sign - a godwink - to lift their spirits."
If you are looking for an uplifting, inspirational book When God Winks is a good one. It's a quick and easy read and hard to put down.
Dear God, Thank You for your 'God Winks'; the coincidences in our lives when You are speaking directly to us. You are comforting and loving. Help me today to be open to 'God Winks' in my life. Amen.
Truly thankful you posted this! I'm purchasing this book for sure. Blessings to you and your family.