Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our school is soooo SMALL that.....

Our school district is VERY small. The school enrollments were published in our town newspaper last week and even boasted that enrollments were up!!

Here's the breakdown between two elementary schools, a middle school and a high school

PrK - 18
K - 16
1st grade - 19 (my boys are in this class with two new students this year!)
2nd grade - 14
3rd grade - 17
4th grade - 13
5th grade - 13
Total - 110

PrK - 7 
K - 10
1st grade - 8 
2nd grade- 6 (!!)
3rd grade- 6 (!!!!) 
4th grade- 7
5th grade- 9
Total - 53....(in the whole elementary school)

Junior High
6th grade - 24
7th grade - 22
8th grade - 33
Total - 79

and finally...
High School
9th grade - 25
10th grade - 24
11th grade - 27
12th grade - 16
Total - 92

There are only 92 kids in the entire high school...only 16 seniors. I had 130 kids in my graduating class (1994) back in Indiana! 

Wow! The numbers here just blow me away. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering that we live in such a small town. DR and I were saying just the other day that if we ever move back to Indiana we would be in for some culture shock!

So...how big was your high school graduating class? 


I'd love to hear what you have to say! I try to reply to every one of them.

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