Friday, December 24, 2010

Foody Friday - Cornbread Veggie Layer Salad

I'm not much for layered salads, I usually avoid them at all costs. You know...the ones where there's a bunch of veggies drowned in dressing? Ugg, something about them repulses me! But I was at a luncheon a few weeks ago and someone had made this one and I fell in love. It's so easy and not smothered in salad dressing. Plus I think there's something about the cornbread that balances out all that dressing. Anyway, if it hadn't been impolite, I would have heaped my plate with this stuff! It was great!

First, make a loaf of cornbread using your favorite recipe and allow it to cool. I made mine in a skillet. Crumble a 1/3 of it into the bottom a deep dish. I didn't have anything pretty, just a 9x13 casserole dish. Drizzle with ranch dressing.

Add a layer of diced tomatoes, peppers and onions...more or less if you like.
Add a can of corn and a can of pinto beans. I love corn...canned, sweet, parched, on the cob, roasted....oh, sorry that....I got a bit off track. Back to the salad!!!

Now repeat those layers again; cornbread, dressing, tomatoes, peppers, onions, corn and beans.
To top it off crumble on the last of the cornbread, a bit more dressing and shredded cheese. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

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