Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March - In like a Lion!

This winter has been so very different than last winter. We've had a foot of snow this year, just last week, where last year we didn't have much precipitation at all. Earlier I wrote about how much I am looking forward to getting our garden planted. I think last year we could have easily started planting by the end of March but that might not happen this year. It's been so cold!

I took the picture above about a year ago. It's hard to tell but Yip is in a t-shirt sitting on the bleachers, that's how warm it was last March. This March is a whole different ball game though isn't it? It looks rather the same now as in the photo above but we are cold (in the 30's and 40's) and windy and there is even a chance that we'll get some snow this weekend. Hoorah! Even though it's cold and I'm really tired of being stuck inside (usually sick), I'll happily put up with it if we get some moisture.

This March isn't just crazy here in SW Kansas either. My parents in northern Indiana just got 6" of snow last night. I'm used to Mud March in Indiana, not snow March. Who wants to bet you  might have a White Easter where you are? It's early this year you know.


Isn't this Indiana tree just beautiful? Just gorgeous. I don't need to tell you I miss snow trees do I?
I don't think anyone has complaints though of this odd March weather though, we all need the moisture but I'm thinking I might need to revamp my gardening plan a bit from last year! Crazy crazy!

Also a year ago I took this photo, remember? Ah!! Yahoo had turned three and later this week she'll be turning the big 4! She's so excited. I'm so excited that she'll be starting preschool in the fall! I'm excited that naps are almost a thing of the past. I'm excited she can dress herself, play outside on her own, and is getting a little less argumentative....a little.

 I'll try to post photos of her birthday party but it may be difficult since her party will be taking place in a car. Ha! A party in a car? Well, we're going to be on a trip and we are leaving on her birthday so I was thinking a party in a car might be a good way to fill in the miles, though I doubt we'll be blowing out any candles!

We're heading to Denver for part of our spring break. We only live 5 hours away and I'd hate to live so close and never visit. I've heard there are some awesome attractions! I'm hoping to have lots of photos to share later next week! Mile High here we come.

Where ever you are I hope you are getting the moisture you need as you plan a spring garden and are staying warm with electricity. See you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Most of the people are interesting to develop a small garden in their house, but the did't have that much of space to build a garden. Now your Guideline for gardening is Good and informative


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