Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Devotions - Part of Nature

There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand; the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden. Proverbs 30:18-19

Have you ever ventured outside on a clear cold, winter night and gazed into the heavens? Millions of tiny stars speckle the dark expanse, lighting up the world so that all can see the evidence of the glory, beauty, and majesty of the Creator of all things. Too many of us look up into the vast sparkling canvas of the universe and see only...darkness. But when you look through the eyes of God, you see the hand print of the Divine. Thomas a Kempis sums up the sentiment in Imitation of Christ:"Therefore, I wish to offer and present to You the jubilant joy found in all devout hearts, their burning love, their ecstasies, their supernatural illuminations and heavenly visions, together with all the virtues and praises that have been or shall ever be given You by the creatures of heaven and earth, for myself and for all who have been recommended to my prayers and that You may receive fitting praise from men and be glorified without end." (borrowed from A Pilgrim's Journey; 20 Signposts for the Way by Eric Kampmann)

I love being outside. I love hiking and not only enjoying nature but I enjoy the feeling of being part of nature. With the blessings of technology, civilization and forward thinking I think that humanity has forgotten that we ARE part of nature and rather have separated ourselves from it. God doesn't get nearly enough credit for the complexity and creation of the natural world. I've witnessed some truly awe inspiring natural sights. The Grand Canyon and the Colorado River brought tears to my eyes. The vastness of the Kansas is freeing and overwhelming at the same time. The life of a seed in my little garden plot is a wonder of wonders. Take time today and go outside. Take a ten minute walk and look for God's hand prints. What natural wonders surround you that you've never even noticed? God didn't create this world for nothing; he created it for you and me.

Dear God, What wonders You have given us! To be blessed with appreciating nature is to appreciate You. Open our eyes to Your world and Your love. Amen.

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