Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bowl of Sky; My Art Corner

My latest drawing, 18"x24".
An underdrawing in pastel with colored pencil details on top.

I don't know why but the photo has blotchy spots (in the middle dirt and green hills) that aren't in the real drawing. My favorite so far. This one and an old acrylic painting will be going into the Stauth Museum (here in town) in June for an art exhibit by Western Kansas artists.

So, comments? Critiques? Bring it on. Negative comments too are welcome....really!


  1. Your clouds have a beckoning look to them, like a finger curling to say, "Come here."

    P.S. I loved your horse riding adventure. I don't think I commented on the posts because I was in hurry up mode with all the farming going on last week. You look like you were born to ride!


I'd love to hear what you have to say! I try to reply to every one of them.