Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is it spring yet?

This has been my first winter in Soutwest Kansas and I've gotta tell's been crazy.
It's like Mother Nature can't decide what season it is?

We've had weather flipping back and forth between 70 degrees and 0 degrees all winter. And barely any snow. All that snow my the east has gotten all winter? I can't even imagine it. We just get cold weather.

Last week we woke up to a VERY heavy frost of the trees. It was like a thick fog rolled in overnight, condensed on the trees like icing on a cake. Then the whole day as the sun came up and warmed the air I could see all this frost falling off the tree limbs as if it were snow. Any other time I would have thought it was beautiful.

Not now. I'm tired of the flip flopping winter and the germs and the bitter wind. I'm ready for spring!


  1. I'm so sorry. My first impression was one of beauty but I don't have to live in it. :)

    I feel the same way during our dry season. I just canNOT wait for rain. Everything is dusty and brown. And the rains come and I appreciate them so much!

    God knows what he's doing. ;)

  2. So with you on this one! The weatherman says 7 more days of crappy weather, then it's supposed to be in the upper 60's. It's snowing!

  3. We're all craving spring but that frost sure makes for some beautiful photos in the meantime:)

  4. what beautiful photos! but im seriously requiring spring and some vitamin d absorption myself, so i know exactly how fed up of cold weather you are :)


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