Saturday, March 19, 2011

4-H Archery

The weather has been pretty cooperative this week and we had 4-H Archery to go to.

Yip and Yap enjoy archery a lot more than shooting a BB gun.
Probably because they can actually see where the arrow goes...and those BB guns are still kind of heavy for 6 year olds.

I didn't get to stick around to see them shoot this week. :(
Miss Yahoo decided to get super grumpy (no nap that day) and we headed home for an early bedtime while DR watched all the fun.

Maybe next week I'll get some better pictures...but I couldn't resist sharing the one above of all three kids. Yahoo thinks she can, and should, do anything her big brothers do. Most of the time you can find her right with the boys.

1 comment:

  1. My 6 year old LOVES his bebe gun...we're also in 4H and maybe we should let him experience 4H archery?! Thanks!


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