Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Pirate Stuff...

My sister and I had the best time planning stuff for the pirate party! My sister are cheapskates frugal, so we didn't get too fancy but thought we'd share some of the fun stuff we made for the boys' pirate party. We were greeted on the front porch by a big, and scary, pirate flag Pirate Batman drew.

We did buy a few things; pirate hats and swords and pirate plates and cups. A pitcher of Baracuda Blood (cranberry juice and Sprite) on the table quenched our thirst.

For lunch we had slimy seaweed with fish eyes and gold...

...and cannonballs for dessert.

We bought boxes of animal crackers and painted them brown for treasure chests. We added details with a sharpie marker then hid them outside for the boys to find.

My sister made this pinata from a pizza box and construction paper...isn't she awesome?!

Here's Yip with the winning hit!! And yes he's using a broom to hit the pinata. Why you ask?

Because we adults couldn't find the baseball bat. We found it later in the bathroom...of course. Isn't that where you store your sporting equipment??


  1. Adorable post! Thanks for sharing- that sounds like an AWESOME party!! xo m.

  2. I absolutely love that the bat was in the bathroom:o) Our kids put things in weird places too. It looks like it was a fun party, I really like the pinata!


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