Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Moving Jitters

Twelve days....just TWELVE more DAYS! 

In twelve days I'll be moving out of the Southwest Kansas house that we've called home for almost five years to move in with my husband. I know that saying "I'm moving in with my husband" sounds weird...and it is weird...but that's how I feel. 

DR moved into our new house (not a home yet) the week before Easter. The only furniture he has are camping chairs, an air mattress and bar stools that he got at a garage sale this weekend. We've been apart for almost 6 months only seeing one another about every two weeks. We've come up with this weird routine over 6 months of seeing each other only occasionally. We save up doing the fun stuff like movies and shopping trips for when Dad is home. I miss my husband but I have to admit that there are certain aspects that I really enjoy about him not being around. I have less messes to clean up! I have a whole bed to myself...that's going to take some getting used to. I have one less person complaining about eating vegetables at dinner. Moving in with my husband is going to be a little weird. 

It's weird because he's been living in this house for a month by the time we get there. I can't help but kind of think of it as his space and the house we are in now is my space. I'm confident that we'll blend back together just fine (after all we've moved enough times I have this moving thing down pat) but I'm still nervous. 

I'm nervous about living in a subdivision with so many neighbors. I'm nervous about moving from a town of 900 to 4500. I'm nervous about the first baseball game Yip will play a week after we move there. I'm nervous about not making friends. I'm kind of a loner and not very good at just putting myself out there in social situations. 

But mostly I'm really nervous about leaving Montezuma this AMAZING community. Small and strong. A place that I feel I was completely embraced by. My boys have lived half their lives here and Yahoo has lived 4 1/2 of her 6 years here. All the school friends they've ever had are here. This may very well be the hardest move we've had to make. Though we are moving to Kansas City and many friends here get up there to the city often, I am nervous that there are some of these wonderful people I may never see again. 

So it's not really the house or the place or even moving back in with my husband that I'm nervous about but I'm nervous about friendships. Friendships are always a risk and I'm throwing a wrench in a lot of relationships right now. I sure hope I can make them survive. So..I'm nervous. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Country Mouse in the City

So much for a daily blog picture idea that I tried in February. That lasted for all of four days before I got distracted. 

But today I'll try just five minutes of blogging before I get distracted by kids and dishes and whatever else.

Good news is that we only have 26 days until moving day and I'll finally be living under the same roof as my husband again. It hasn't been all that tough, just annoying. I told him that we'll have to get used to each other again not to mention get used to a new house and neighborhood. 

Which is something I'm a bit anxious about. Over spring break the kids and I spent a few days with DR up in Kansas City and we did a lot of touristy things. And a lot of eating out since we were at a hotel which I got tired of pretty quick. 

Between visiting restaurants, museums and just generally being in the big city I felt like a Country Mouse visiting the City Mouse!! I loved the art museums and places to go but I could never shake the feeling that I just felt out of place. AND there were just too darn many people!!! 

It's a good thing that we aren't actually going to be living in the city....that might give me a heart attack. Our new town is a small town south of the big city, though it's still a LOT bigger than the teeny tiny town I'm living in right now. To give you an idea...Yahoo is in Kindergarten and there is one Kindergarten class of only 14 kids. In our new school there are SIX Kindergarten classes!!! 

My Five Minute Timer just went off so I'm going to sign off. I'm excited about moving..but a bit anxious too. But I came across this last night.....

Words of Wisdom~ I know I'll be okay!