Thursday, July 10, 2014

Camping Solo (almost)

Wheat harvest started a few weeks ago which made me a harvest widow for a few weeks. Though there wasn't a huge wheat harvest (still in a drought despite June's rain) there was enough to keep DR working some late nights. Which meant it was a great time to take the kids camping!! (Since DR is not a fan of camping!) 

Everything went great if I do say so myself!! 

Hiking into the wild unknown....well, as unknown as you can get on a mile loop around the lake

Contemplating life's mysteries around the campfire.....really the only place for such heavy philosophical work 

Experiments in engineering.....

Gourmet dinners......

We did cut the trip short due to this sky rolling in. I'm not a fan of packing a wet tent. I've done that too many times! 

I'm already looking forward to our next trip!! It's looking like our July weather is going to make a cooldown next week so maybe then! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Flash Floods are so much fun.

I know I've been absent this summer. Now that none of my kids take naps during the day anymore I don't find a whole lot of down time for blog writing as I used to. (I'm hoping that will change when school starts.) I found a few minutes tonight and thought I'd share some fun pics that are about a month old. 

During June SW Kansas had about 11 inches of rain which was delightful! One such storm brought 3 inches alone! And there is nothing quite as fun as playing in the flooded street after a storm...especially when you know all that glorious water will be gone by the next day. All that rain has literally transformed Kansas into a green carpet that, honestly, confuses me! I was driving down a back road just the other day that I barely recognized because it was so green!

Anyway, when it rains we take full advantage of the flash floods to play in the streets!!